
A/B Testing for Beginners [Free Guide]

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Credits: Photo by pressfoto on Freepik

A/B Testing, also known as split testing, has become exponentially important in the past few years, and it’s no secret as to why. Most marketers swear by A/B Testing to increase their conversion rates, email open rates, and even website traffic. But what exactly is it? Do you actually need it? And how does your business stand to benefit from A/B testing?

A/B Testing is the process of changing one variable in a website, email, ad etc., and testing it in a controlled environment to see how well these changes contribute towards your goals, which could be an increase in engagement or an increase in button clicks. These changes can be any marketing variables, be it the usage of images, the colour of a button, or even changes in copies. 

In short, A/B Testing discovers how changes in one element affects your defined meaning of success.

Basics & Terminology

In A/B Testing, there is usually Variant A (the original with no changes in elements were made) and Variant B (where 1 element has been altered for testing). Variant A is also usually referred to as the ‘control’, which informs testers that it’s the original design of a particular test. 

It is also common for businesses to use the term A/B/n Testing, which indicates that there are more than 2 variants being tested, but in all variants, the same element is changed. In the example below, only the colour of the button (which is the element) has been altered accordingly across all the variants whilst the rest of the page remains the same.


A/B Testing vs. Multivariate Testing

You may have also heard of multivariate testing, which is fundamentally similar to A/B Testing in the way in which they are both conducted. However, A/B Testing involves only testing 1 variable at a time, whilst multivariate testing involves testing more than 1 variable at a time. Here’s how you can decide which kind of testing you need to do:


What's next for you?

Everyone stands a chance to benefit from AB Testing when implemented correctly. A/B Testing allows you to have a less subjective view of what changes are required on your website, email, ads etc.

But why settle for tools that only have 1 purpose when you can have an all-in-one marketing platform to cover your needs from A to Z? With Constant Contact Lead Gen and CRM‘s built-in A/B Testing feature, you are provided with a bird’s-eye-view of all the metrics that really matter for an A/B Test at a glance!

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Constant Contact Lead Gen and CRM’s A/B Testing feature allows you to view all important metrics that you’ll need to consider at a glance. Moreover, Constant Contact Lead Gen and CRM helps you collate and analyse test results, whilst highlighting clear winners. This means you don’t have to do the hard work!

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