
10 Tips to Improve Conversion Rates

Tips to Improving Conversion Rates

An ever-evolving digital landscape requires the ability to convert website visitors into loyal customers. The challenge lies not just in attracting visitors but in guiding them towards taking desired actions. We collected 10 tips for you to improve your website conversion rates, and most of the tips can be implemented within a short term.

1. Shorter Forms


83.34% is an average completion rate of forms consist of 1-3 questions only. 

Completion rate drops to 65.15% when forms consist of 4-8 questions.

Source: Survicate survey, 2020

Simplify the user experience by reducing forms length. Eliminating unnecessary fields can eliminate hesitation and create trust. Moreover, it will take less time for users to fill it in, so they will be more willing to complete it.

2. Leverage Social Proof

A strong company reputation can help establish trust, which can ultimately lead to improved conversion rates. Boosting trust and reputation through your website, for instance, involves emphasising positive reviews and testimonials to establish credibility. Connecting to review directories and prominently displaying customer testimonials on your site further helps in reinforcing trust.

3. Track User Behaviour

Employ website analysis tools to gain insights into user interactions through screen recordings and heatmaps. You can also track leads activity with your emails, website and ads via CRM tools. In this case both your marketing and sales teams will be able to view the activity record of the potential customer.

Tracking User Behaviour via CRM and Lead Generation Tool
Image: Example of user behaviour tracking via CRM and lead generation tool Lead Gen and CRM by Constant Contact.

4. Integrate Live Chat

When site visitors do not convert to leads, it is most likely that they may have concerns about your product. Address user questions or concerns in real-time with live chat support. This feature can be a game-changer in preventing potential customers from bouncing away. You may also consider using AI solutions to accommodate potential customers without delay. For example, it immediately redirects users to the appropriate section of FAQs, does screening and classification of the request before passing it to a human and collects lead data.

5. A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to compare two variations of a marketing asset and find out the most effective one. Experiment with different headlines, colours, copy, layouts, and CTAs to discover what resonates best with your audience. Now A/B testing can be conducted automatically through your marketing automation tool. Read basics of conducting A/B testing in our blog post.

6. Build Trust, Eliminate Friction

Analyse your website content from the perspective of a potential customer who sees your company for the first time and has many doubts. Incorporate trust-building elements like money-back guarantees and keep your site free from spammy links or broken content. Information about team members can also enhance trust.

7. Implement Abandoned Cart Emails


69% of shoppers will abandon their carts at checkout. At the same time abandoned cart emails get an average of 45% open rate.

Source: Salesforce, 2019.

Create automated email campaigns for users who abandon their carts. When potential customers add your product to their cart, they have already shown themselves to be leads in the consideration stage, indicating a high likelihood of conversion. From there, remind them of their abandoned products, offer incentives, and win back conversions.

Luna Offering Incentive with Abandon Cart E-Mail
Image: Luna is offering an incentive to make your purchase now in its abandoned cart email.

8. Effective Value Proposition

Clearly communicate your value proposition on landing pages according to target audiences expectations. Do not forget about meta descriptions and placed ads. Craft copy on landing pages tailored to your target audience, emphasising benefits over features. If you currently have different sets of existing personas and want to save time and resources on creating extra landing pages, then check out the features of Dynamic Content in Constant Contac’s marketing automation software.

9. Mobile Optimised

From September 2020 Google switched to mobile-first indexing, since then mobile optimisation has become more important than ever. If you do not optimise for mobile, your Google rankings may be impacted, which will ultimately reduce conversions. Prioritise mobile optimisation, considering differences between mobile and desktop experiences. If you’ve been using the same old template for emails for a while, then we recommend that you create a new email using the latest email editor and email templates. For example, all templates created in the editor of “Lead Gen and CRM” are fully mobile-responsive no matter what content you add.

10. Localised Content

Optimise your website for local marketing by adding location pages, managing online directory listings, and creating localised content to improve mobile search rankings. This is especially important when you sell your products abroad as having localised content is a matter of building trust and understanding with potential customers in your focus countries. Consider that in some countries users may be familiar with different types of website interface. During the consideration and purchase process it can lead potential customers to question their trust in your company and decrease the chance of conversion.  

In the quest of figuring out the best formula for better conversion rates, it is essential to empathise with your customers. Look at the customer journey and your website through potential customers’ point of view and evaluate if the touchpoints are convincing enough.

What's next for you?

If you see the need to improve your conversion rates but you don’t have enough resources to organise it, you may consider contacting our team at “Lead Gen and CRM”. We have supported numerous clients in SEA optimising their conversion rates and conducting lead generation campaigns with the power of CRM and Marketing Automation.

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