
Marketing Automation vs. Email Marketing: What you need to know!

Marketing Automation vs Email Marketing

Marketing Automation and Email Marketing are known as the “The Twin Brothers of Success”. These two initiatives are utilised by businesses globally to help achieve their business goals: Whether it is increasing the number of leads, increasing their sales, or boosting their engagement with their audiences. 

Both initiatives have a common factor, and that is to ensure that businesses connect and engage with their prospects and customers for continuous brand recall.

However, what exactly are the differences between these two channels? How are they similar in the way they function to aid businesses?

Marketing Automation: The Future

Marketing Automation is the usage of softwares to automate repetitive and monotonous work that is necessary for business growth, but time-consuming. This includes things such as:

  • Posting social media content
  • Sending ‘thank you’ emails
  • Following-up with your sales personnel

Marketing Automation is an umbrella term that encompasses many different types of software tools. Marketing Automation softwares usually include a range of features, including:

Marketing Automation Table Features Description SharpSpring Asia

By leveraging on Marketing Automation softwares, businesses can help increase efficiency and also provide more personalised experiences for their customers, which have been shown to increase engagement.

Did you know?

53% of buyers stop engaging with content as soon as the content becomes irrelevant to them.

(Content Marketing Institute, 2017)

Email Marketing: The Supporting Role

Did you know?

78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months. 

(HubSpot, 2022)

Email Marketing has gained popularity in the past few years and is said to be one of the most popular ways for businesses to communicate with their prospects and customers. Email Marketing can be vital in your marketing strategy, especially when nurturing your prospects and customers about new product/service launches, promotions, and discounts.

It can also be a way for you to efficiently build relationships with your customers, increase engagement, and encourage brand loyalty. Check out our tips on how to increase your email open rates

By marrying Email Marketing and Marketing Automation together, businesses can increase efficiency and lower costs by automating emails via scheduling, or even help nurture your leads further via email drip campaigns. Marketing Automation can also aid your business in charting out your future email communications via a visual workflow, so that you can put yourself in the shoes of your prospects and customers!


What's next for you?

It is common for companies, both big and small, to leverage on Marketing Automation softwares to aid them in everyday tasks, and even Email Marketing. However, Marketing Automation has so much more to offer aside aiding in Email Marketing, including:

Hence, it is important that businesses discover the right solutions to their issues to further grow their business, with Marketing Automation lending a helping hand in the process!

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